
Best Paper Awards

2018 Winner (1st place):
Zi Ye, Olga Diamanti, Chengcheng Tang, Tim Hoffmann and Leonidas Guibas for
A unified discrete framework for intrinsic and extrinsic Dirac operators for geometry processing

2018 Winner (2nd place):
Jingwei Huang, Yichao Zhou, Jonathan Shewchuk, Matthias Niessner, Leonidas Guibas for
QuadFlow: A Scalable and Robust Method for Quadrangulation

2018 Winner (3rd place):
Marc Comino Trinidad, Carlos Andujar, Pere Brunet, Antonio Chica for
Sensor-aware Normal Estimation for Range Scan Point Clouds

Software Award

To encourage the distribution of high quality software in geometry processing, since 2011 an annual award has been given for freely available software related to or useful for geometry processing. This year's winners are:

Tyson Brochu and Robert Bridson for

El Topo

Dataset Award

Since 2016 SGP also awards the dataset award. The main goal of this award is to highlight the importance of high-quality datasets and benchmarks to the advancement of the Geometry Processing community and to recognize the suppliers of such datasets. This year's winners are:

Angel X. Chang, Thomas Funkhouser, Leonidas Guibas, Pat Hanrahan, Qixing Huang, Zimo Li, Silvio Savarese, Manolis Savva, Shuran Song, Hao Su, Jianxiong Xiao, Li Yi, and Fisher Yu for



Replicability Stamp

SGP provides papers with the replicability stamp to recognise the effort of researchers who, in addition to publishing their paper at SGP 2018, provide a complete open-source implementation of their algorithm. 

For more information on the replicability stamp and the list of papers awarded the stamp please check

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