Graduate SchoolProgram:Saturday the 7th: 10:45 - 11am questions / coffee 12:45 - 1pm questions 3:45 - 4pm questions / coffee 5:45 - 6pm questions 10:45 - 11am questions / coffee 12:45 - 1pm questions 3:45 - 4pm questions / coffee Course 1: After modeling: Turning 3D models into 3D prints![]() Speaker: Sylvain Lefebvre, InriaAbstract:
With the advent of 3D printing technologies, one could hope that realizing a physical object from a 3D model should be as simple as pushing a button. Unfortunately, for most models this is not true, and the final part is sometimes disappointing in terms of its aesthetics or physical properties. This course will discuss several methods that significantly improve the quality of printed objects and enable novel capabilities through better geometric analysis and modeling of the process constraints.
The challenges of 3D printing are intrinsically linked to the way additive manufacturing technologies operate: by solidification of successive planer layers to form the final object. This discretization is a major source of approximations, turning smooth slanted surfaces into staircases. In addition, the layers are often solidified by filling solid areas along toolpaths, leaving gaps and porosities. With some technologies, solid material can only exist if supported by the layer below, requiring external support structures during fabrication. Beyond the geometric (accuracy) and aesthetic issues, these defects also impact the mechanical properties of the final prints, as well as the time required to produce an object. Bio:
![]() Course 2: Conformal Geometry Processing![]() Speaker: Keenan Crane, Carnegie Mellon UniversityAbstract:
Digital geometry processing is the natural extension of traditional signal processing to three-dimensional geometric data. In recent years, methods based on so-called conformal (i.e., angle-preserving) transformations have proven to be a powerful paradigm for geometry processing since (i) numerical problems are typically linear, providing scalability and guarantees of correctness and (ii) conformal descriptions of geometry are often dramatically simpler or lower-dimensional than traditional encodings. Conformal geometry is also linked to constitutive laws appearing in computational mechanics and 3D fabrication. This lecture will touch on both the mathematical foundations of conformal geometry, as well as recent numerical techniques and applications in 3D geometry processing.
![]() Course 3: Robust Geometry Processing![]() Speaker: Pierre Alliez, Inria Sophia-AntipolisAbstract:
The lack of robustness in current geometry processing software makes it impossible to streamline the processing pipeline. Stringent requirements for input data for the outputs prevent the software building blocks from working together seamlessly. The quest for robustness requires devising algorithms that are reliable on real-world computers (which have inherent imperfections due to finite arithmetic precision). In addition, and in response to the increasing trend for geometry to be acquired through measurements, it requires devising algorithms that are resilient to real-world data. This trend means that the common assumptions applied to input data clash with the practical reality of real-world datasets, which are riddled with imperfections.
In the first part of this tutorial I will briefly review the methods dealing with finite arithmetic precision. I will then review several ideas devised to tackle the resilience to imperfect data, with application to several key problems in geometry processing: reconstruction, approximation, dense correspondence, boolean operations and mesh generation. The ideas covered will include optimal transportation, robust statistics and generalized winding numbers. Bio:
![]() Course 4: Dynamic 2D/3D Registration![]() Speaker: Andrea Tagliasacchi, University of VictoriaAbstract:
Image and geometry registration algorithms are an essential component of many computer graphics and computer vision systems. With recent technological advances in RGB-D sensors, such as the Microsoft Kinect or Intel RealSense robust algorithms that combine 2D image and 3D geometry registration have become an active area of research. The goal of this course is to introduce the basics of 2D/3D registration algorithms and to provide theoretical explanations and practical tools to design computer vision and computer graphics systems based on RGB-D devices.
![]() Course 5: Geometric deep learning![]() Speaker: Michael Bronstein, University of Lugano and Tel Aviv UniversityAbstract:
The past decade in computer vision research has witnessed the emergence of deep learning, allowing to automatically learn powerful feature representations from large collections of examples. Deep neural networks achieved a breakthrough in performance in a wide range of applications such as image classification, segmentation, detection and annotation. When attempting to apply deep learning to 3D geometric data, one has to face fundamental differences between images and geometric objects. One of the key differences is that in the geometry processing and computer graphics communities, shapes are modeled as manifolds, and one requires to generalize deep neural networks using intrinsic constructions. Intrinsic deep neural networks have recently been used to learn invariant shape features and correspondence, allowing to achieve state-of-the-art performance in several shape analysis tasks, while at the same time allowing for different shape representations, e.g. meshes, point clouds, or graphs.
The purpose of this tutorial is to overview the foundations and the current state of the art in learning techniques for 3D shape analysis and vision. We will overview deep learning techniques for tasks of shape classification, object recognition, retrieval and correspondence. The tutorial will present in a new light the problems of shape analysis, emphasizing the analogies and differences with the classical 2D setting, and showing how to adapt popular learning schemes in order to deal with deformable objects. An emphasis will be made on relation to classical methods in shape analysis, such as spectral descriptors and functional maps.
![]() Course 6: Model Reduction for Shape Deformation![]() Speaker: Klaus Hildebrandt, TU DelftAbstract:
Shape deformation problems are at the heart of many geometry processing tasks, such as shape editing, template-based capture, shape optimization, computational design and elastic simulation. The applications place high demands on the solvers for these problems. On the one hand, the shapes to be deformed are complex and deformations can be large, hence large scale non-linear problems need to be solved, on the other hand, computations need to be fast, e.g., for interactive applications. In this lecture, we will learn about model reduction techniques and how they can be used to design fast approximation algorithms for certain types shape deformation problems.
![]() Course 7: Computational Optimal Transport![]() Speaker: Bruno Levy, Inria-Nancy Grand-EstAbstract:
This course gives an introduction to optimal transport, a mathematical theory that makes it possible to measure distances between functions (or distances between more general objects), to interpolate between objects or to enforce mass/volume conservation in certain computational physics simulations. Optimal transport is a rich scientific domain, with active research communities, both on its theoretical aspects and on more applicative considerations, such as geometry processing and machine learning. This course aims at explaining the main principles behind the theory of optimal transport, introduce the different involved notions, and more importantly, how they relate, to let the reader grasp an intuition of the elegant theory that structures them. After presenting several state-of-the-art algorithms to solve this problem on a computer, I will show some applications in computational physics (fluid simulation and astrophysics).
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