Conference ProgramNote: the Graduate School will take place during the two days preceding the conference, i.e., on July 7th and 8th. The schedule for the graduate program is posted on the Graduate School section of the website.
Session I: Functional maps chair: Emanuele Rodola Interactive Curve Constrained Functional Maps Anne Gehre, Michael Bronstein, Leif Kobbelt, Justin Solomon Topological Function Optimization for Shape Comparison and Matching Adrien Poulenard, Primoz Skraba, Maks Ovsjanikov Kernel Functional Maps Larry Wang, Anne Gehre, Michael Bronstein, Justin Solomon
Session II: Geometric Optimization chair: Keenan Crane Efficient Path Generation with Reduced Coordinates Renjie Chen, Craig Gotsman, Kai Hormann Packing Irregular Shapes in 3D Space Yuexin Ma, Zhonggui Chen, Wenchao Hu, Wenping Wang Error propagation control in Laplacian mesh compression Libor Váša, Jan Dvořák Static/Dynamic Filtering for Mesh Geometry (TVCG paper) Juyong Zhang, Bailin Deng, Yang Hong, Yue Peng, Wenjie Qin, Ligang Liu
Session III: Shape Analysis and Representation chair: Justin Solomon Learning Fuzzy Set Representations of Partial Shapes on Dual Embedding Spaces Minhyuk Sung, Anastasia Dubrovina, Vladimir Kim, Leonidas Guibas Effective Characterization of Relief Patterns Andrea Giachetti Sparse Geometric Representation Through Local Shape Probing (TVCG paper) Julie Digne, Sébastien Valette, Raphaëlle Chaine
Session IV: Discrete Differential Geometry chair: Pierre Alliez A unified discrete framework for intrinsic and extrinsic Dirac operators for geometry processing Zi Ye, Olga Diamanti, Chengcheng Tang, Tim Hoffmann, Leonidas Guibas An explicit structure-preserving numerical scheme for EPDiff Omri Azencot, Orestis Vantzos, Mirela Ben-Chen Fast Approximation of Laplace-Beltrami Eigenproblems Ahmad Nasikun, Christopher Brandt, Klaus Hildebrandt An Adaptive Multigrid Solver for Applications in Computer Graphics (CGF paper) Misha Kazhdan and Hugues Hoppe
Session V: Meshing chair: David Bommes Hierarchical Quad Meshing of 3D Scanned Surfaces Dennis Bukenberger, Hendrik Lensch QuadFlow: A Scalable and Robust Method for Quadrangulation Jingwei Huang, Yichao Zhou, Jonathan Shewchuk, Matthias Niessner, Leonidas Guibas Field-Aligned and Lattice-Guided Tetrahedral Meshing Saifeng Ni, Zichun Zhong, Jin Huang, Wenping Wang, Xiaohu Guo
Session VI: Spaces and Transformations chair: Craig Gotsman Principal Geodesic Analysis in the Space of Discrete Shells Behrend Heeren, Martin Rumpf, William Smith, Chao Zhang Statistical Modeling of the 3D Geometry and Structure of Botanical Trees Guan Wang, Hamid Laga, Xie Ning, Jinyuan Jia, Hedi Tabia Diffusion-based latent shape spaces Vignesh Ganapathi-Subramanian, Olga Diamanti, Leonidas Guibas Möbius Registration Alex Baden, Keenan Crane, Misha Kazhdan
Session VII: Point Clouds and Reconstruction chair: Pooran Memari Reconstructing 3D CSG Models from 3D Raw Point Clouds Qiaoyun Wu ,Kai Xu, Jun Wang Sensor-aware Normal Estimation for Range Scan Point Clouds Marc Comino Trinidad, Carlos Andujar, Pere Brunet, Antonio Chica FitConnect: Connecting Noisy 2D Samples by Fitted Neighbourhoods (CGF paper) Stefan Ohrhallinger and Michael Wimmer
Poster Session Out-of-core Resampling of Gigantic Point Clouds Arnaud Bletterer, Frédéric Payan, Marc Antonini, Anis Meftah Using Mathematical Morphology to Simplify Archaeological Fracture Surfaces Hanan ElNaghy, Leo Dorst Denoising of point-clouds based on structured dictionary learning Kripasindhu Sarkar, Florian Bernard, Kiran Varanasi, Christian Theobalt, Didier Stricker Solving PDEs on Deconstructed Domains Silvia Sellán, Yi Cheng Herng, Yuming Ma, Mitchell Dembowski, Alec Jacobson Functional Maps on Product Manifolds Emanuele Rodola, Zorah Laehner, Michael Bronstein, Alex Bronstein, Justin Solomon
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